Here are some photos of us at work, having fun, and some of the flora and fauna we observe in Jericho Park. If you have images of Jericho you would like to share, please email us!
April 2023 – Removing arboreal ivy from the cottonwood trees! In this technique we cut the ivy around the tree and remove downwards, all of the ivy up the tree will die in the coming months!
March 2023 – Finally some sun! A busy day planting over 45 native shrubs in the park!
February 2023 – Another rainy day removing ivy and blackberry as well as planting trees and shrubs!
January 2023 – Volunteers hard at work removing ivy and planting conifers!
A volunteer poses with a large pile of removed invasives at our December 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers plant a native conifer at our December 11th 2022 work party.
A volunteer plants a native conifer at our December 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers plant a native conifer at our December 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers plant a native conifer at our December 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasive English ivy at our December 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers learn how to plant native plants and identify invasives at our November 20th 2022 work party.
A volunteer plants a native conifer at our November 20th 2022 work party.
Volunteers plant a native conifer at our November 20th 2022 work party.
Volunteers plant a native conifer at our November 20th 2022 work party.
A volunteer removes invasives at our October 16th 2022 work party.
A volunteer removes invasives at our October 16th 2022 work party.
A volunteer removes invasives at our October 16th 2022 work party.
Volunteers enjoy a well-deserved break at our October 16th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our September 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our September 11th 2022 work party.
Volunteers take a well-deserved break at our September 11th 2022 work party.
Irene, the JSG Event Coordinator, takes a break in the shade at our August 14th work pary.
Volunteers learn how to remove yellow flag iris at our August 14th 2022 work party.
Volunteers learn how to remove yellow flag iris at our August 14th 2022 work party.
Volunteers enjoy a well-deserved break at our August 14th 2022 work party.
A volunteer removes invasives at our July 10th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our July 10th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our July 10th 2022 work party.
A volunteer removes invasives at our July 10th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our July 10th 2022 work party.
Helen removes invasives at our June 12th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our June 12th 2022 work party.
Volunteers take a well-deserved break at our June 12th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our June 12th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our June 12th 2022 work party.
Volunteers take a well-deserved break at our May 8th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our May 8th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our May 8th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at our Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
Rogelio, Giacomo, Jaime, and John remove invasives at our Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
Claire removes a large English Ivy root at our Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
Volunteers remove invasives at the Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
Claire, Daven and Liam remove invasives at our Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
Volunteers take a break at our Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
Large piles of invasives pulled by our Apr. 10th 2022 work party.
A field of bleeding hearts in Jericho on Apr. 10th 2022
Liam and Connelly find a tree frog at our Mar. 6th 2022 work party.
Volunteers enjoy cinnamon buns at break time at our Mar. 6th 2022 work party.
Volunteers enjoy a break at our Mar. 6th 2022 work party.
Volunteers plant native plants during our Dec. 12th 2021 work party
Helen removes invasives during the Dec. 12th 2021 work party
Charlotte removes invasives duringt he Dec. 12th, 2021 work party
Marcel and Tessa remove English ivy during the Dec. 12th 2021 work party
Volunteers remove invasives during the Nov. 14th 2021 work party
Volunteers plant shrubs during the Nov. 14th 2021 work party
JSG Event Coordinator Irene picks up mulch and plants for the Nov. 14th 2021 work party
JSG board members review the year’s work at the 2021 AGM
Volunteers clear invasives at our Sept 12th 2021 work party
Dom and Liam remove invasives at our Sept. 12th 2021 work party
Volunteers working to clear trees of invasives at our Sept. 12th 2021 work party
Marcel, Connelly, and Adam remove invasives at our Sept 12th 2021 work party
Noah, Giacomo, and Jaime remove invasives at our Sept. 12th 2021 work party
Volunteers remove Himalayan blakcberry from around native plants at our Sept. 12th 2021 work party
Volunteers enjoy well deserved cinnammon buns during our break at the Sept. 12th 2021 work party
Sanja removes invasives at our August 8th 2021 work party
The Naranjo family clears out invasives at our August 8th 2021 work party
Marcel adds to our large invasive species pile at our August 8th 2021 work party
Volunteers pose for scale with our August 8th 2021 work party pile
Volunteers were hard at work at our August 8th, 2021 work party
Break time with cinnamon buns for our volunteers at our August 8th 2021 work party
Connelly posing with our July 11th 2021 work party invasive species pile
Jaime and Myriam remove invasives at our July 11th 2021 work party
Marcel points out a barred owl hunting at our July 11th 2021 work party
Rita clears invasives from native thimbleberry plantings at our June 13th 2021 work party
After tackling blackberry at our June 13th 2021 work party
Before tackling blackberry at our June 13th 2021 work party
Tree Frog at June 13th 2021 work party
Rohit and Caitlan show off the impressive work done by the May 9th 2021 work party.
Judy plants oregon grape at our May 9th 2021 work party.
Camilla plants a vine maple at our May 9th 2021 work party.
Liam and Dom remove invasive species at our May 9th 2021 work party.
Marcel removes invasive trees at our May 9th 2021 work party.
Taylor plants oregon grape at our May 9th 2021 work party.
Catherine and Brian plant a vine maple at our May 9th 2021 work party.
Susan selects native plants for our May 9th 2021 work party.
Myriam and Jaime remove invasives at our April 11th 2021 work party.
Marcel removes invasive trees at our April 11th 2021 work party.
Leta removes invasives at our April 11th 2021 work party.
VanDusen Wildflower Project volunteer Rich Hankin teaches how to plant native wildflower bulbs on February 7th, 2021.
A VanDusen Wildflower Project volunteer plants native wildflower bulbs on February 7th, 2021.
A VanDusen Wildflower Project volunteer plants native wildflower bulbs on February 7th, 2021.
VanDusen Wildflower Project and JSG volunteers plant native wildflower bulbs on February 7th, 2021.
Native wildflower bulb plantings – February 7th, 2021.
Native wildflower bulb plantings, with fencing for rabbit protection – February 7th, 2021.
Volunteers clearing and planting at our Oct. 18th 2020 work party.
A volunteer clears English ivy at our Oct. 18th 2020 work party.
Martin plants a native salmonberry shrub at our Oct. 18th 2020 work party.
Connelly and Brian remove English ivy at our Sept. 13th 2020 work party.
Helen prepares plots for planting native trees at our Sept. 13th 2020 work party.
Volunteers prepare plots for planting native trees at our Sept. 13th 2020 work party.
Volunteers free native shrub plantings from invasive species at our Sept. 13th 2020 work party.
An impressive purple loosestrife pulled at the Jericho duck pond.
Volunteers remove purple loosestrife at our Aug. 9th 2020 work party.
Volunteers learn to identify purple loosestrife in the pond at our Aug. 9th 2020 work party.
Volunteers removing purple loosestrife at the Aug 9th 2020 work party.
John removing invasives at our Mar. 8th 2020 work party.
Frank removing lots of laurel at our Mar. 8th 2020 work party.
Volunteers removing English ivy and laurel at our Mar. 8th 2020 work party.
Marcel removing Himalayan blackberry roots at our Mar. 8th 2020 work party.
Volunteers hard at work in the forest at our Feb. 9th 2020 work party.
A much deserved snack break for our volunteers at our Feb. 9th 2020 work party.
Susan Fisher and John Coope – long time JSG volunteers and current board members – posing with our achievements at our Feb. 9th 2020 work party.
Volunteers posing with the fruit of their hard labour at our Feb. 9th 2020 work party.
Volunteers clearing out English ivy and Himalayan blackberry from around previously planted native trees. At our Dec. 8th 2019 work party.
Impressive pile of invasives removed during our Dec. 8th 2019 work party. Notably laurel, blackberry and ivy.
A frog visitor during our Nov. 17th 2019 work party.
Volunteers hard at work in the rain during our Nov. 17th 2019 work party.
A friendly helper for our plantings at our Nov. 17th 2019 work party.
Newly planted native trees and shrubs during our Nov. 17th 2019 work party.
Before starting at our work site for our Oct. 20th 2019 work party, full of Himalayan blackberry.
Volunteers digging at Himalayan blackberry during our Oct. 20th 2019 work party.
After our Oct. 20th 2019 work party, newly planted native shrubs – marked by pink flags.
Volunteers proud of their hard work removing Himalayan blackberry and planting native shrubs in the southern field in the heavy October rain. At our Oct. 20th 2019 work party.
Volunteers cleaning our hard working shovels after a muddy morning removing invasives and planting native shrubs. At our Oct. 20th 2019 work party.
A hummingbird’s nest found while removing invasive species at our Sept. 29th 2019 work party.
Volunteers enjoying well earned cinnamon buns after a morning of planting! Sept. 29th 2019 work party.
Volunteers planting native trees at our Sept. 29th 2019 work party in collaboration with Geocachers.
Volunteers removing invasive sppecies at our Sept. 29th 2019 work party in collaboration with Geocachers.
Volunteers planting native shrubs at our Sept. 29th 2019 work party in collaboration with Geocachers.
Volunteers learning about native bushes and trees, how and where to plant them at the Sept. 29th 2019 work party in collaboration with geograchers.
Volunteers learning about native bushes and trees, how and where to plant them at the Sept. 29th 2019 work party in collaboration with geograchers.
Purple Loosestrife – an invasive – removed by volunteers from the duck pond at our Sept. 8th 2019 wprk party.
Volunteers hard at work removing Purple Loosestrife from the duck pond. Sept. 8th 2019 work party.
Piles of Purple Loosestrife removed by volunteers from the duck pond, taking advantage of the low water level. Sept. 8th 2019 work party.
Mother and son plant a western red cedar
For over 40 years I have reveled in the beauty of the forest, the estuarine marsh, and other such places where I have spent much of my time. When stresses and strains get to me, even now, I need only take a forest walk, run my hands along the furrowed bark of a Douglas-fir, or watch the yellow and brown, big-leaf maple leaves sail effortlessly to the ground to be rejuvenated.