JSG new website

We are happy to make our new website available in advance of our Sept 2015 workparty. It now provides uptodate schedule of workparties and way for people to contact us through email, a message, joining our email list and links to our social media sites. We know lovers of Jericho Park often use their camera…

We are happy to make our new website available in advance of our Sept 2015 workparty. It now provides uptodate schedule of workparties and way for people to contact us through email, a message, joining our email list and links to our social media sites. We know lovers of Jericho Park often use their camera to capture wildlife, native plants or friends … if you have a unique image you’d like to share with others on our website, please contact us.

Ultimately, the purpose of our website is to spread word of our work and have more people join us in our efforts to enhance native habitat. So please use our facebook and twitter pages to let others know of us. And bring a friend to a workparty.

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